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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Financial Aid Options for Students

When it comes to financial aid for college there are primarily two sources: privately funded financial aid and federally funded financial aid. When applying for or receiving either you need to make sure that you are fully aware of all the fine print involved. Most people find that the expenses of college are much too great to afford without assistance of some sort. If you are a parent chances are that you will some day face the need to pay college tuition along with the worry of how on earth you will manage to accomplish that goal.

The problem is that not every student who wishes to attend college qualifies for either federally funded student aid or the vast majority of scholarships that require either exceptional grades or a specific and exceptional talent in order to receive. For those students thinking outside the box may be necessary in order to receive the much needed educational assistance or financial aid.

If you do not qualify for federal financial aid for your children, then you may want to consider the benefit of other scholarship options. One common scholarship option that is often overlooked is the ROTC program that most universities offer. There is a price to pay for these scholarships but many find that price provides valuable experience and is well worth the education and the experience received during the process. If your child is interested in the possibility of a military career or becoming a military officer, this is a great way to go.

As a parent you may want to see what sort of, if any, flexible spending accounts your state has set up that can help you set aside money for college expenses for your children. Many states have these and there are programs such as Upromise that allows you and others to dedicate the spending from a credit card to be used as a 'match' program for your child's college funds. While it isn't a dollar for dollar match of your credit card spending every little bit helps. The real beauty of programs like Upromise is that you can enlist the help of family in friends when saving for your child's college educational expenses. Regardless, it is never too early to begin saving for your child's college education and these expenses seem to be rising exponentially.

There are many programs that exist to help minorities and women pay for their educational expenses. Some of these scholarships are needs based while some of them are solely merit based. On all levels competition is fierce, however, if you qualify for any of these scholarships you would be doing yourself a disservice not to apply for them. You never know when your application might be the one that captures the attention of the scholarship committee. The one thing you should keep in mind is to read all the instructions, make copies of everything, and follow the directions. You'd be amazed at how many worth applicants are denied scholarships each year because they did not follow the directions on the application properly. Another thing you should keep in mind is neatness. You are much more likely to win a scholarship if the committee can actually read your application.

There are many great opportunities for financial assistance when it comes to college. The trick is typically in finding the great sources. Your college's financial aid office is an excellent source of information for financial aid as is your high school counselor. See what your options are before you sacrifice the dream of a college education.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why a University Education?

The world in which we live is constantly evolving. We are demanding more and more from our citizens than ever before and in order to live up to the demands of the world we need a solid education upon which to base our skills and knowledge. There are many alternatives available for receiving an education these days, which is good news for those who have not yet managed to obtain a four-year college degree. Truthfully, that degree is the difference in literally hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of a lifetime than not having a degree.

Four Reasons for a Four-Year Education

Money. The first reason that you should consider a university degree is the fact that it will substantially increase your earning potential. If nothing else appeals to you, this is typically the one reason that most people return to school after years in the work place. If you are in high school and haven't really had to deal with the bills and burdens that many adults face it's difficult to explain how important any edge when it comes to earning ability truly is. However, you should be aware that you need to choose your major wisely if money is your sole motivation. Not all careers pay equally when compare to the education required to enter them.

Insurance. This may seem like a strange term to use when discussing why you should get a university education but this is perhaps the best insurance you can find as far as employability goes. Having a university degree gives you a competitive edge over those who do not. In many cases you will find that education is beginning to trump experience as employers are seeking workers with more rounded skills rather than those with very specific skills. The modern university typically requires a brief exposure to all kinds of information and coursework that isn't necessarily related to your major. This provides graduates with a broader understanding of the world (at least that is the assumption).

Employability. Believe it or not, those with degrees are much more employable than those that do not have them. There was a time when the trend was to employ those who had experience over those who had education. That trend is rapidly evaporating as companies want employees that can fill multiple roles more and more often. The limited exposure to certain ideas or ideals and principles that most people receive as part of their university education makes you a more employable candidate because you should be able to adapt and adjust, as this was required during your educational process.

Confidence. There is nothing quite like believing in yourself. Getting a four-year education is one way to build confidence not only on a personal level but also on a professional level. Whether or not you realize it, this is often the best reason for pursuing a university degree. This reason, as a matter of fact, will actually affect all of the other things I mentioned above. If you have more confidence in your ability you will be more willing to go out there and get the job done. As a result, you will earn more money and you will insure that you are an asset to your company by proving yourself to be just that.

Regardless of your personal reason for pursuing a university degree there are very few wrong reasons to get your degree. Good luck in your educational pursuits. I know they will serve you well.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Common Types of Financial Aid

If you are planning to attend college or the parent of a child you hope will attend college, I'm sure you are concerned over how you are going to be able to afford the process. A college education in many cases is a significant investment. The good news is that there are many options for the average family when it comes to paying the high costs involved in higher education.

Types of Financial Assistance for Educational Expenses

Scholarships. You will find that scholarships come in many different shapes and sizes and have all kinds of strange requirements in order to qualify to receive them. Some are based on need while others are based on merit. You will also find that there are many community and faith based organizations that offer scholarships in addition to certain corporations that offer scholarships in a gesture of good will to employees and the children of their employees. These are an excellent source of educational funding, as they do not need to be repaid.

Federal Pell Grants. This is another financial aid source that doesn't require repayment. However, you must qualify based on need in order to receive this particular type of college assistance. You can only obtain a Pell grant if you are an undergraduate college student who has not yet earned a college degree. There is a formula that is used to determine the amount of award for which you are eligible. This depends greatly on your means as a family and how much you can realistically expect to contribute towards the cost of your education.

Loans. This should be used as a last resort when it comes to paying your college expenses, as this is money that must be repaid with interest. There are several types of loans that are available and you should consider carefully and weigh your options before taking out a loan. However, if this is the only method you have for covering the cost of your tuition it will be money well spent once you've managed to repay the debt.
1) Student loans. There are three different types of student loans: subsidized, unsubsidized, and Perkins loans. You must qualify in order to receive an unsubsidized loan, which will put off your interest accumulation until after graduation or you cease to be enrolled the minimum number of hours. You do not however, need to qualify in order to receive an unsubsidized student loan, which will begin accruing interest immediately. If you happen to be in exceptional financial need you can apply through your university for a Perkins loans. These are low interest loans that must be repaid to the university.
2) Parent Loans. These are commonly referred to as PLUS loans (parent loan for undergraduate students). These loans allow parents to borrow the money required to cover the costs of education that are not covered by other means of financial assistance. Repayment on these loans begins 60 days after the funds are transferred and can take up to 10 years.
3) Private loans. These loans are not guaranteed and are solely credit-based loans. They do not however, have the same limited scope that government loans have and in many cases can help bridge the gaps in actual educational expenses and the amount of money that you are allowed to borrow through traditional financial aid opportunities.

Before signing up for any particular sort of financial aid it is a good idea to see a financial aid counselor at the university you are planning to attend. They will have the best information about what steps you need to take in order to apply for financial aid at that specific universities and unique scholarship or grant opportunities that might be available to you through your state or the college. Higher education is a dream that is definitely worth having. Do not allow financial limitations to keep you from your goal if possible but enter into all financial arrangements with great caution and thought.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Educational Savings Accounts

When it comes to getting a college education, financing is one of the most important considerations that you will need to make. Unfortunately for far too many it is one the last considerations that is made when it comes to the educations of our children. If you are a parent you owe it your child and yourself to plan ahead and plan carefully in order to cover the cost of your child's education. There are fortunately, a few great ways in which you can do this.

The most common is to begin by opening up an educational savings account for your child (under the age of 18). When you open up an educational savings account for your child, you can contribute up to $2,000 per year per child. This is a combined total contribution however and includes the contributions of grandparents, friends, and family in addition to your own personal contributions. The money from these funds can be withdrawn tax-free as long as they are used for educational purposes.

Educational expenses in this case include books, tuition, fees, supplies, and college room and board provided that your child is at least a part-time student. If you do not use all the funds for your child there are options as far as what to do with the remaining funds in the account. The first option would be to leave the funds in the account and allow the account beneficiary to withdraw them up until the age of 30. There is a penalty involved and the beneficiary will be required to pay income tax on those funds. You could also elect to roll those funds over to the next child under the age of 18 who will have educational expenses in the future.

The money you set aside in these accounts to cover the cost of the education of your child or children is not tax-deductible however, it is a great way to begin saving money and investing in the future of your child. If you begin investing the maximum amount $2,000 per year upon birth your child should have a nice nest egg to help cover educational expenses. If your child is fortunate enough to qualify for scholarships and other sources of financial aid you can turn the funds over as a graduation gift or save it for the next college student in your family that comes along. Either way you've saved yourself a good part of the worry that goes along with providing for your family by having this fund set up for your children.

You can sign up for programs like Upromise in order to subsidize your contributions with donations from corporate sponsors as their way of thanking you for buying their products or using their services on any credit cards that you, your friends, and your family members have registered to go into your child's account. Every edge you give yourself when it comes to investing in the education of your children is an edge worth having. College tuition rates are rising at an alarming rate while corporate expectations of college degrees are rising at the same near lightening speed. This means that a college degree is more critical for our children than in any past generations.

Take the time now to check into securing the future of your children by establishing an educational savings account. Let friends and family know that any gifts they are planning to give your children that involve money would be appreciated if they instead invested in the future of your children rather than the now. You can also ask your friends and family to sign up their credit cards with Upromise in order to provide a little bump in donations to your child's college savings account. These little steps add up to significant savings over the course of 18 years. You just might find that the investment you are making is adequate to cover the costs of your child's tuition in full.

The Dollars and Cents of a Four-Year Degree

When it comes down to the importance of an education there is no denying that the longer you stay in school the better off you are when it comes to earning potential over the course of your lifetime. Recent estimates have presented some rather astonishing figures to support these claims however, and I for one think they are well worth mentioning.

Let's discuss first things first however. A high school diploma will net the average citizen $200,000 additional dollars of lifetime income on average. This is one small baby step when it comes to the educational process however. Some college, even without a degree will even increase that figure an additional $150,000 for a total of $350,000. If this isn't enough to convince you however try the facts and figures that are associated with the additional earning potential that a four-year degree introduces: $500,000. This addition makes a total of $850,000 more over the course of a lifetime in earning potential. I don't know about you but I find those figures to be quite a nice motivator for going back and finishing a degree.

While a person's education may not be an accurate indicator of his or her actual ability it is often used in the business world to narrow down a growing field of applicants for a sadly stagnate number of positions across the country. There are things you just can't see on a piece of paper and ability and capabilities are among those things. Businesses need a defining factor by which they narrow down the field of potential employees and that defining characteristic is often a college degree in the field of business or a complimentary major course of study.

While this may not seem fair to many who have the practical skills companies are seeking employees that can fill multiple roles in order to eliminate positions that have been occupied in the past. For this reason they want business people who have technical skills and a college education provides a brief introduction to many skills that are useful in these situations. Unfortunately, the only way to know whether or not you have these specific skills is if you list them on your resume while those who have a four-year degree are believed to have them by the merit of their educations.

The earning potential alone should be enough to turn your head when it comes to the importance of earning a college degree though there are many more excellent reasons to pursue the completion of your degree. If you haven't considered some of the other wonderful reasons for returning to college and getting your degree, perhaps the reasons below will provide a little additional motivation.

1) Challenge. There is very little in life that offers the challenge of returning to college after an absence. It is a frightening prospect for many and yet can be equally as exciting. You will find that the constant exposure to academic debate is a great way to feed your mind and open your eyes to new ideas. Challenge your preconceptions and challenge the limits of your own experiences by opening up your mind to the thoughts and ideas of others.
2) Learn New Skills. There is never a bad time to begin learning new skills no matter what they say about old dogs and new tricks. The truth is that as long as you open your mind to learning you are feeding it and that is a great thing.
3) Career advancement. Whether you realize it or not, a college degree is one of the quickest paths you can take to career advancement.

If the money wasn't enough to convince you of the impact that a four-year degree can make in your life perhaps the reasons mentioned above were enough to do the trick. Whether or not you realize how much a degree can affect your life the truth of the matter is that it can improve so many things about your life and how you view yourself and the world around you. Now is the perfect time to go back to school and earn your degree.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Financial Motivation for Two-Year Education

When it comes to college, you are considering an expensive proposition any way you look at it. There are however, ways in which you can greatly reduce your overall expenses when it comes to getting your college degree. The first method, which in many cases is the most preferred, is by attending a community college for the first two years of your college educational experience. Believe it or not you can literally save thousands of dollars over the course of spending two years on the community college level.

You will hear all kinds of arguments on why it is better to attend all four years at a university. The universities almost always make these arguments. Unfortunately, their opinions are a little bit biased in these matters. Most universities offer equivalent courses with community colleges meaning that the first two years of study should transfer with no problems or snags along the rocky road to your degree.

The universities make money each semester you begin class as a student. It is in their best interest financially to have you from the beginning rather than as a transfer. In fact, many universities offer lower level classes as auditorium classes. They pack more students into classes and have fewer professors or graduate students teaching the courses and maximize their money off the first and second year students rather than those in upper level courses. Yet another reason to consider a community college for the first two years of you education.

Getting back to the expenses of a community college, most community colleges are largely commuter campuses. This means you won't face the high housing costs that are associated with universities, particularly if you are attending college close to home. Community colleges also offer far less distractions that cost additional money than most major universities. This doesn't mean that there aren't ample social opportunities; it simply means that there are fewer of them. This also leaves fewer distractions than universities present when it comes to studying.

Community colleges simply cost less all around. While it would be nice if you could receive a full four year education at this level, they are able, for the most part, to keep expenses down by not requiring the level of qualification that universities require of their professors for upper level courses. You will have excellent, if not superior quality of education at lower levels than you would have on the university level, but you will also eventually need to move on to the university level in order to complete your education.

For this reason, you would do well to save half of your savings over university costs for each of the two years you are attending community college and apply it to your university education. This will ease the burden of the additional costs of the university and feel as though you are paying the same amount for tuition throughout your education regardless of the fact that you are literally saving thousands of dollars on your educational expenses.

Some states have educational savings plans that allow parents to save for tuition at current costs by enrolling. These plans cover two years of community college education and two years of university education. By locking in today's prices you are eliminating the inflation. When you consider the fact that college tuition is increasing at an alarming rate this is by far an excellent way to go. You should check with your state and see if they offer a similar plan to parents of younger children and what the requirements are in order to enroll your child today.

If you are looking for a real value in education whether or not you only go for your two year degree of move on to a university in order to finish your four-year degree you should find that a community college education offers a significant value for the money. Most people find that every penny they spent in a community college was a penny well spent.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Online Education Offers Unparalleled Learning Freedom

As the information age rolls on we are finding more and more universities that are willing to invest in the education of students who may not necessarily be in a position to attend classes at that particular university. The offerings are still somewhat limited but there are opportunities to earn associates, bachelors, and even master's degrees strictly though online course work. This is something that was virtually unheard of even a few years ago.

Today's students truly do have more options available to them than ever before if they are willing to invest the time and effort into their studies, there are few limits to the level of education you can receive, even if it has been years since you last attended a university or community college. Even those colleges and universities that do not offer full fledged degree programs exclusively through online learning mediums are beginning to offer many courses online for students with busy schedules and lifestyles. This means that you now have the opportunity to combine distance or online learning with a few night or weekend courses in order to complete your degree even if you have a full time day job and family that needs to see you at home on occasion.

Even if a degree is not something you are necessarily seeking you might be amazed at the wide array of courses that are available for those interested in increasing their depth of knowledge on different issues from the comfort of their own homes. I know that the idea of self-directed online learning opportunities appeal to me on many levels. These opportunities however, are not necessarily a good idea for everyone. We all learn in different manners and some of us learn best by actually being in the classroom and hearing what has to be said or from hands on experience. This type of learning is not necessarily possible when it comes to distance learning in an email or bulletin board type of environment, which is how many Internet classrooms operate.

Online learning is also not a good idea for those who aren't perfectly willing, able, and capable of holding themselves responsible for their learning. Face it, for some of us it is much easier to get up and go to a classroom than it is to force ourselves to log on and pay attention at home. We all have areas in which our discipline is well in hand and others where we seem to have no discipline whatsoever. If you can't hold yourself on task or have difficulties not being distracted by the many other novel things there are to do online you might be best served through an actual classroom experience rather than a distance learning environment like those of online classes.

This is not meant to discourage you from distance learning or online classrooms. In fact, I think these are by far the best option for many working professionals who are seeking to advance their careers, knowledge, and/or earning potential. You will not need to feel as though you are choosing between the future needs of yourself and your family and the limited time you have with your family already. You can schedule around your family time and make the sacrifice when it comes to sleep.

With online classes it doesn't matter if you are in your pajamas or in a suit and tie you can still do the work you need to do online and no one will be the wiser. You also might find that you can squeeze your education into your lunch hour, particularly if you can type and chew at the same time. The truth is that online classes offer superior flexibility to those hoping to further their education. Whether you are hoping to earn a degree or simply wish to broaden your horizons by taking a few online classes, you just might find that the possibilities are limitless once you begin taking these courses from home.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Is an Online Education Right for You?

We live in the information age. We have grown so accustomed to information at the speed of light that the prospect of not having immediate access to countless numbers of facts and figures with the mere click of a few buttons for many of us is simply disconcerting. For this reason, it only makes sense that there are many people across the nation and around the world that are embracing the idea of online learning and educational opportunities with every ounce of enthusiasm they can muster.

At the same time there are equal numbers of people around the world who are trying desperately to hold on to traditional methods of dealing with certain things. In fact, some people actually still play solitaire with a deck of playing cards. For people who feel that the information age has left them behind to some degree the chances are quite good that online learning may not be the best available option for you.

Below you will find a few questions that can help you narrow down whether or not you would truly benefit by taking some of the many online courses that are being offered in today's information age of learning.

1) Are you disciplined? This may seem like such an innocuous question because we would all like to think that we are disciplined to some degree. The problem is that when you are in the driver's seat for your own education you need to have a little more than some small degree of discipline. You need to be able to meet deadlines, take the tests, and hold yourself responsible for actually learning the information that you need to learn in order to pass the course. There is no one to blame but yourself if you do not manage to do well in your online classes and some people simply do not like being in the drivers seat when it comes to motivating and pacing themselves and their learning practices.
2) How do you learn best? We all have different methods of learning for which we retain information better than others. Online courses are reading intensive. If you have difficulties retaining the information you read you may need to find an alternate learning method or seek solutions with the assistance of the course instructor before moving forward in an online learning environment.
3) Do you have a true desire to succeed? The answer to this question is quite important in determining whether or not online learning is in your best interest. There are many paths you can take in order to achieve the education and degree you desire. This is not the path of the masses, at least not yet. This type of learning, more than any other is easy to give up on through apathy. If you aren't determined to do the assignments, to study the notes, and to really learn the material that is presented to you then you really do not need to waste your time or the instructor's time by continually making up excuses. Online courses are largely self-paced but you do have a limited amount of time in which to learn the material before you need to move on. The teacher is responsible for providing you the information and material but you are responsible for everything that happens from that moment on. Are you ready for that responsibility?

Whether you are a first time college student or a professional that is returning to school after a long absence online learning can open new doors of opportunity for your learning pleasure. You must be willing to walk through those doors and take the information that is presented to you however in order to be successful. My sincere hope is that everyone reading this will carefully consider whether or not the lack of structure that many online courses provides is going to be conducive to your specific learning and educational needs before taking the plunge.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Benefits of Online Learning

While there are all kinds of benefits that are associated with learning and furthering your educational goals there are even more benefits to those who wish to pursue online learning in order to achieve those goals. I hope you will find that many of these benefits are quite enlightening and carefully consider whether or not online learning for your secondary education needs will be in your best interests.

1) Convenience. This is a word we are quite familiar with. Right along with instant gratification. We are a society of people who have lived with drive thru banking and fast food and are rapidly moving in the direction of drive thru pharmacies and dry cleaning. We live in a fast paced world and when we can work education into our busy schedules and on our own terms we find that this is something we tend to like a lot. I recommend that you watch for a growing number of online classes and online students in the coming years as more and more professionals decide to further their degrees and their careers.
2) Flexibility. You can take these classes or do the work during your lunch break, while the kids are practicing soccer, or while cooking dinner (depending of course on how well you multitask). You do not need to be in the classroom every night at 6:00 pm for the next five years in order to get the same degree of education. This by no means indicates that you will not have to do the work. The work will not change nor will the fact that you have a limited time in which to complete the work. What will change is that you will have the option of doing the work in the morning, afternoon, or after those 2 a.m. feedings when you can't seem to get back to sleep.
3) Location. There isn't enough that can really be said about this. Online education comes to you wherever you happen to be able to connect to the Internet. Whether you are at home, at work, or your favorite Internet café you can have the convenience of taking your work with you and enjoying the environment in which you are completing your work.
4) Less Expensive. No more convenience meals, childcare expenses, or gas guzzling trips to a college campus that thirty minutes away. You can now enjoy in your own home the benefits of an education without many of the financial hardships that are often associated with attending college. Internet access seems like such a small price to pay when compared with all the reasons mentioned above.
5) Believe it or not, online courses help you brush up your online abilities. Seriously. You will be better at dealing with email, bulletin boards, online research, and you will learn countless other skills along the way that you probably never realized had anything to do with the courses you are actually taking-because they don't. In other words, you are getting more of an education than you bargained for when it comes to online learning.
6) Individual attention. Online students often have more one on one interaction with their professors than students in a classroom. The online classroom is virtual and correspondence through email is essential in this particular learning environment. For this reason it is quite possible that your professors will know more about you and your learning patterns and needs than they will know about most of the students they see two or three times a week in their classrooms.

While these are just a few of the benefits of taking online classes you should carefully weigh the benefits with the things that may be problematic about this particular type of learning situation before you take the plunge. Learning is a lifelong process but if you are seeking a degree you do not want to jeopardize that by taking a course that will not address your specific learning needs. If you feel confident that you can be successful in this particular type of learning environment than I feel you will truly enjoy the experience and the flexibility it brings to the educational process.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Community College Advantages

If you happen to be fortunate enough to live in a community that has a community college you should really make the time in your schedule to check and see what kind of classes they can offer that can help you advance your education and your career. You might be amazed at the different types of courses you can take even on the community college level. I know that I have found some of the courses that are offered and the degree of learning that takes place to be quite impressive. I think that many people who have in the past disregarded the important role that community colleges play in providing an affordable venue for learning will be quite amazed as well.

Community colleges have an undeserved reputation for inferiority when this could not be further from the truth. A good many of the nations nurses are products of community college educations. In many states, the associates degree nursing programs are quite rigorous and provide more clinical experience than most bachelor's degree nursing programs. This means that students graduating nursing school with an associates degree in nursing are often better prepared to deal with patient care than those who have the 'superior degree'. This by no means is meant to disparage B. S. Nursing students at all. In fact, most hospitals will not even consider you a candidate for an administrative nursing position unless you have the Bachelor's degree. This is only meant to point out that associates degree programs can be quite competitive and inclusive despite common misconceptions.

Of course there are other benefits to learning on the community college level, at least for the first two years of your education. One of those benefits that speaks volumes to me is the fact that teachers in community colleges are dedicated to teaching. They are not working on their own research or books. They are there for the purpose of helping you achieve your goals, which means you aren't an interruption in their pursuit of their own goals.

Community colleges also offer an excellent buffer for students who may not have been on top of their game academically in high school or those who are returning to college after a long absence from academia. You won't find the large auditorium classes on the community college level that major universities are famous for offering. You also won't find that teachers do not have time for their students. There is a lower teacher to student ratio in community colleges so that professors will have time to address the needs of students.

Another benefit is that even if you do not go on to get your four year degree after completing your community college education you will find that your earning potential is significantly improved over those who do not have at least a two-year college education. Research also indicates that students who complete a two-year degree program at a community college are more likely to finish and get a four-year degree than those students who begin their educational experience at a four-year university.

There are a few problems that can be associated with a community college education and you should take note of these so that they do not become a problem for you. First of all, some universities do not accept many of the courses that are offered on the community college level as transfer credits. Make sure that you know what courses are required for the university that you are planning to transfer to in order to avoid this. You also may find that you are limited on the courses you can take and the times in which they will be available. Make sure that you have all the limited courses well ahead of time so that you aren't taking another year of classes in order to graduate.

All in all, a community college education can be just as enlightening as a university education if you enter into the process with an open mind and a willingness to learn. I hope you take advantage of this much less expensive option before moving on to university courses if possible.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Advantages of Universities

A degree from a university means many thing to many different people. Only you can define the importance of a degree such as this to you and only you can determine whether or not now is the time for you to pursue a university degree. If you are unsure about how advantageous a university degree could be to your life let's look at some of the advantages to a university education in relationship to a community college education.

Money. The first obvious advantage of a university education would be in future earning potential. A four-year degree trumps a two-year degree almost every time. There would have to be exceptional circumstances for someone with a two-year degree to earn more over the course of a lifetime than someone with a four-year degree in the same exact field. While a degree does not guarantee employability, it does improve the odds as well as the income potential that is associated with the field you are entering into. If you have a two-year degree the decision to continue your educational pursuits can be a tough one but it is well worth the effort in the end.

Housing. This is another distinct advantage that universities offer over community colleges. In fact, many universities are now offering housing opportunities to students with families in addition to those students who have no families. Colleges and universities are offering all kinds of value when it comes to housing and meal plans. A great deal of the college experience is missed when you do not live on campus. For this particular reason students wishing to enjoy the experience that dorm life provides often consider universities over community colleges.

Diversity. This is another key component that is often missing at the community college level. International students find no real price breaks between universities and community colleges so they tend to opt for the housing and cultural atmosphere that universities present rather than going with the limiting educational, residential, and cultural experience offered by many community colleges. You will find students of different races, religions, cultures, and nations on the university level-far more than will typically be seen in a community college unless you are attending community college in a very culturally diverse city such as New York.

Culture. This is something that is often lacking on the community college level, as they are largely commuter campuses. You will not see quite the opportunity to experience art, music, the theater, and other wonderful experiences that universities pride themselves in offering to their students. There is nothing quite like the cultural offerings of most large universities and if you get the opportunity I hope you will take the time to stop and experience some of the wonderful things that being in a university community present you with an opportunity to experience.

Research opportunities. On a university level you will have the opportunity to participate in research projects with certain professors if your prove yourself worthy and express an interest. This is something that isn't as likely on the community college level as most professors in a community college are dedicated to teaching rather than research. You will find that the experience of working on a large-scale research project is unlike anything you are likely to experience again if you ever get the chance.

Confidence. There is nothing quite like a college degree from a university to help you become a more confident person both personally and professionally. This is something that really can't be achieved on the community college level but can only be experienced by getting a degree from a university. If you lack confidence when dealing with others or in your career, I hope that you will find that your university education is just the thing to help you feel more confidence on all levels of your life.

These are just a small sampling of the many benefits of attending a university over a community college education. I hope you will carefully consider these when making your decision about which is best for your personal education needs.

Community College Disadvantages

While there are many distinct advantages that can be associated with attending a community college there are a few disadvantages that I would be remiss in not mentioning. We all like to look at the positive side of things and the good in my opinion of community colleges, at least as a springboard for university learning far outweigh the bad. However, if you are considering community college as an option whether for your associate's degree alone or have plans to move along to the university level upon completion you should see the big picture and not just the sunshine and flowers.

The first thing you should be aware of, and this applies primarily to those students with plans to transfer, is that you should always consult the college you intend to attend next in order to make sure that the courses you are taking on the community college level are compatible with the core requirements for the university. In many cases they are similar enough to be considered compatible but there are exceptions and it is better to find this out sooner rather than later. If you plan to attend a University that is located near the community college you are attending you should check and see if they have some sort of articulation agreement that will allow associate's degree graduates to transfer seamlessly.

Many states are stepping in and passing laws that require colleges in their specific states to accept community college credits as transfer credits in an effort to keep qualified workers in the state. Some universities are even offering distance learning programs to associates degree graduates in order to allow access to students who live a greater distance from campus to have access to educational opportunities that would have been denied to them in the past. Of course if you live in one of these states, a former disadvantage may now work in your favor.

Many community colleges do not offer housing opportunities and most of those that do are still largely commuter campuses rather than residence campuses. Rather than spending funds on housing these colleges tend to reserve their spending to assist in academic pursuits. Community colleges in rural areas are much more likely than those in larger cities to offer housing on campus. The lack of on-campus housing makes participation in sports and other activities a little more difficult than colleges that are largely residential in nature.

If you decide to make a community college your last stop when it comes to your personal educational experience you will be denying yourself a great deal of earning potential over the course of your lifetime. For this reason you should seriously consider the benefits that transferring to a university will present for your educational goals.

My largest complaint when it comes to community colleges when compared to larger universities was the fact that there are such limited opportunities to take specific classes than when compared to those classes on a university level. You will find that you must remain within your sequence of courses on the community college level or you risk needing an extra semester or year in order to complete the requirements for your associate's degree. Universities tend to offer greater flexibility, especially in lower level courses that are required by all in order to graduate.

My other major complaint when it comes to community college is the fact that they often have much smaller libraries than universities. This seriously limits the ability that students have to do extensive research with the exception of rare cases. Universities simply have deeper pockets than the average community college. For this reason they will have bigger libraries and far more bells and whistles than the average community college. Hopefully we'll see this change over time as well. Despite the disadvantages that can be associated with community college educations, I feel that they are very much outweighed by the benefits that the community college learning environment offers.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

University Disadvantages

We have discussed some of the wonderful advantages that university life and educations present. However, we must in turn discuss some of the other disadvantages that are associated with university learning as well. While we discuss these you should keep in mind that they do not by any means indicate that you should give up on your higher education goals, only that you should view your educational process with realistic expectations.

When compared with the community college system the very first and most distinctive disadvantage that comes to mind is the high cost of upper education on the university level. Community colleges are simply more cost effective all around than universities. The costs go well beyond that money that would be spent on room and board making the tuition alone cost prohibitive in many cases. While there are many types of financial aid available to students the vast majority of college students in this country make ends meet through the use of student loans, which must be repaid at quite a hefty interest rate, in order to cover the costs associated with university educations.

Beyond the one obvious disadvantage there are a few other disadvantages that bear mentioning in this particular circumstance. First of all, universities do not have the small intimate classroom settings that literally set community colleges apart. In fact, for lower level course, most universities offer large auditorium classes that are taught by graduate students rather than professors and more often than not the students never get to know those who are charged with their education on more than a nod and smile while passing in the halls basis. This method for learning is considered by many to be exceptionally inferior and the statistics prove that students who go straight into a four-year college environment rather than going through a community college first are far less likely to complete their degrees.

If that isn't enough of a disadvantage, many people find that the impersonal atmosphere of most universities is quite limiting when it comes to interaction with other students. The smaller classroom environments of community colleges invite interaction between the students in the class. An open line of communication within the classroom is greatly preferred to having so many students that no one gets a voice or the ability to voice their opinions or personal experiences when it comes to certain topics.

Another disadvantage to university life is the sheer size of university campuses. Community colleges tend to be much more compact. This means that students have a fairly decent chance of making it to all classes on time and without the worry of walking 2 miles in ten minutes. While this is great for physical fitness, missing the first ten minutes of class each week can limit the educational process that your university experience should be providing. It seems like such a small thing on one hand but when you are hauling around a day's worth of textbooks and a laptop--that hike can be the thing that marines seem dubious about accomplishing.

While there are a few distinctive disadvantages to university life, the fact remains that graduation from a university is the single biggest way to increase your earning potential over the course of your lifetime. The amounts are by no means insignificant. I highly recommend whenever possibly that you attend community college for the first two years of your college education. Beyond that, I strongly urge you to consider the value that completing your education and getting a four-year degree can provide.

If you wish to build self-confidence, earning potential, and job security, there is no way of doing so that is superior to getting a four-year degree. It doesn't matter where you are in life or your career; it is never too late to begin getting your education. There are so many things in the world that a good education will open your eyes to in addition to the doors of opportunity a four-year degree will open.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Graduate Degree Options

Many people find that in the courses of their careers they wish they had the ability to go back to school for even further education. Unfortunately, not everyone has the good fortune to live in the vicinity of a university that offers graduate level studies in the career they have chosen. Chances are that a good percentage of the population does not and if they do chances are even better that they have very busy personal and professional lives that make intensive graduate studies difficult to pursue at best.

If you are one of the many people that feel you have made your choice and are stuck with your undergraduate degree or that a post graduate degree is simply out of your reach, I hope you will read this article with great interest and learn that there options available to you no matter how far away from a university you live or how little time you have to devote to your graduate studies.

A graduate education is a very intensive course of study that is very narrow and specific. In other words, many students find that their graduate coursework is their favorite by far as it gets into the meat of the subject matter of their interest rather than merely hitting the highlights. Only a small percentage of the population at this point in time has a graduate education. Though this does not necessarily guarantee you any employability it can provide you with very specialized knowledge or skills that will help you perform your job better and qualify you for more interesting and specialized positions in your field of study.

If you would like to pursue a graduate education but feel you are too far from the nearest university that offers a comprehensive graduate education in your field, you might be surprised to find that the nearest graduate level curriculum is as far away as your living room or your favorite Internet café. Online courses give new hope to potential graduate students. Many of them will actually allow you to work around your work schedule and at your own pace while trying to achieve your dreams of higher education and life long learning.

Online courses are becoming more widely accepted across the nation and around the world. We live in the information age and it only makes sense that we are taking control of our educations by using services and demanding services like online courses in order to further our educational goals. At the moment there are only limited offerings for graduate studies, most of them centering on educational fields with only a few graduate degrees offered in other fields such as the medical industry. As demand grows so will the availability of graduate courses and degrees that are being offered online.

If you happen to be fortunate enough to live relatively close to a university that offers graduate studies in your field you might want to check with the university and see if they offer weekend graduate classes. This is a new trend that seems to be growing in popularity as a valid option for those who hope to return to college but can't afford to give up precious work or family time during the week. These courses are much more intense than your average once or twice a week night course but they allow you to pursue your graduate degree in a much quicker manner than traditional programs have allowed and are much more employer and family friendly. Of course you also have the option of taking one or two classes at a time at night in order to achieve your graduate degree as well. Masters degree students only need to take 9 hours a semester in order to be considered full time students and qualify for financial aid.

All in all, you do not need to sacrifice your goals of graduate studies in order to maintain your career or achieve some sort of balance between work, education, and family. Whether you choose online courses, night courses, or weekend courses for your studies you have many opportunities to achieve the degree you desire without sacrificing heavily in order to do so.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finding the Right College Program for You

There are all kinds of college programs that are available today for those seeking higher education and degrees in a wide variety of fields. The problem often lies in finding the type of education that is appropriate for your specific needs. We all learn best through different methods and identifying your learning method is a great way to understand what learning environment will work best for you.

The common learning environments for college level studies are the following: community colleges, universities, and online or distance learning opportunities. Community colleges tend to offer smaller classrooms with more discussion-oriented styles of learning and discourse. Universities tend to be more lecture oriented while distance and online learning opportunities are quite often self-directed learning opportunities that require a great deal of discipline in order to be successful.

When trying to identify the college that will work best for you, you should keep in mind your personal learning style. Beyond that you should also consider the type of environment you expect from your college education and the amount of time you wish to devote to the pursuit of your education and degree. Some people find that university life is far too distracting while others find that the solitude of online and distance learning is a distraction in and of itself.

You will find all kinds of cultural opportunities at a university that you will not find through home studies or on the community college level. For some students, these opportunities are icing on the cake and an important part of the learning experience as you delve into other cultures, art, music, and history. Others find these opportunities to be far too plentiful and far too distracting for their study needs. Whichever student you tend to be will make a huge difference in the best situation for your learning needs.

Another important consideration is housing. Most universities have ample on campus housing for their students while a few campuses experience on campus housing shortages and rely on housing that is located in and around the college area in order to fill in the gaps. Some universities will even offer limiting housing opportunities to students who have spouses and children. While housing on community college is seen, particularly in rural areas where there is limited housing available in and around the schools, these are more often the exception rather than the rule. Most community colleges are largely commuter campuses with very limited if any housing opportunities. Online and distance learning programs offer no housing to students.

Another concern that most also be considered carefully is the distance between classes and any special needs you may have. Universities tend to be large and spread out. It is quite possible to need to get from one end of campus to another (a mile or more in some cases) with a 10-minute window in which to get it done. For students with special needs or physical disabilities this can be quite problematic, especially on days of inclimate weather. Community colleges tend to have smaller campuses, which mean less real estate to cover in between classes. Online and distance learning classes go with you wherever you have access to a computer. This means that they are as portable as you need them to be if you have your own laptop and wireless Internet access.

You must consider all these things and so much more when narrowing down your college choices. Do you really want to take the personal responsibility required in order to succeed in online and distant learning courses? Do you want to be limited by the meager offerings of coursework available at the community college level? Is it worth it to you to pay the high price involved in a university education? These are all questions that you need to consider carefully before making the decision as to which college environment is the most desirable for you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Are Student Loans Becoming Necessary Evils?

When it comes to getting a college education most people can agree that the costs can be staggering at best. Even the least expensive colleges in the nation can add up over a four or five year period of time creating crippling debt for those who do not qualify for some of the better grant programs of substantial scholarships.

The problem lies in the fact that the parents of most traditional college students make too much money to qualify for the free financial aid that is needs based and very few qualify for the limited number of scholarships that are available to students based on merit. Even among those that qualify competition and fierce and there are no guarantees. Enter the student loan. There are all kinds of student loans and unfortunately with rising costs associated with college attendence and the growing necessity of a college degree for success in this country it is becoming more and more difficult to pay the price that is associated with higher education.

There are three types of loans that are commonly found for college students. They include federal student loans, federal plus loans, and private student loans. Each type of loan has advantages and disadvantages that are unique to that particular loan. Below I will give a little information about each of the loan types and whom they may benefit.

Student loans. There are three different types of student loans: subsidized, unsubsidized, and Perkins loans.

Perkins loans are only available to students who display exceptional financial need. These loans are available at a 5% interest rate and are available to both graduate and undergraduate students. Perkins loans are extended through the university you attend and will be repaid to the university unlike the other types of student loans, which are repaid to the lending agency.

Subsidized student loans are loans in which the interest is deferred until graduation or you cease to be a qualifying student. What this means is that while you are responsible for repaying the loan upon graduation the interest on these loans does not begin to accrue until your begin repayment 6 months after graduation or your cease to be at least a half time student of the university. You must qualify based on your income in order to receive a subsidized student loan. While the needs requirements for these loans isn't as grave as those required in order to receive a Perkins loan you must still qualify.

Unsubsidized student loans do not require qualification on a needs basis. You must be a student and enrolled at least half time in order to receive an unsubsidized student loan. The good news however for those who do not qualify based on needs for other student loan options is that this type of loan is available to all qualifying students regardless of need. The interest on these loans however begins to accrue immediately, which means they can really add up over time.

PLUS loans are loans that are taken out by the parents of students who need the funds in order to cover educational expenses. The maximum amount that can be borrowed is the cost of attendence minus any financial aid awards the student has already received. The repayment on these loans begins 60 days after the loan is dispersed and the repayment period can be up to 10 years.

In order to cover the costs involved in education that go above and beyond what the government recognizes as acceptable college related expenses you can opt to go the route of private student loans rather then relying solely upon federal financial aid for your student loan source. These loans require that you qualify in order to receive them based on your credit rather than your need and must be used for educational purposes only. With these particular loans you really need to make sure you read all the fine print as different companies offer different conditions and different perks. You should really take the time and compare prices and options before taking out a private student loan and this should be done only as a last resort.

Student loans for many can be the difference in attending college and getting the education you are hoping for and not being able to pay the high costs that go along with higher education. For this reason you should treat them with respect and not take them lightly.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

College Scholarship for Black Student: Passport to Success

He was the designated National Spokesman for Nation of Islam, a religious and socio-political organization founded in the United States which is aimed to resurrect the mental, social, spiritual, and economic condition of black men and women in the country as well as on other parts of the world.

He is Malcolm X.

He was the famous leader of the American civil right movement and won the Nobel Peace Prize because of his promotion of peace and equal treatment of different races throughout the world.

He is Martin Luther King, Jr.

He is the three-time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion and one of the best pound-for-pound boxers ever existed, which made his way towards the Boxing Hall of Fame.

He is Muhammad Ali, or Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.

Each of them has their own world to explore and own business to attend. But there is one thing that binds them as one.

All of them are African-Americans, or also known as Black Americans.

A Black American is considered to be one of the members of an ethnic group in the United States, whose ancestors are traced its roots predominantly in Africa. Majority of them are descendants of African slaves who were transported from Central Africa through the Middle Passage to North America and the Caribbean during the trans-Atlantic slave trade (1609-1807). Others are immigrants from European and African nations who are classified by the United States census as African-American demographically instead of socially.

Their population is estimated to be at 40 million and they are predominantly Christians and Muslims. Furthermore, due to hundreds of events that happened within the history of the United States, Black Americans rose from the ethnic ranks and proved themselves to be called a majority class instead of being in the ethnic class. They have triumphed, producing Black American personalities who succeeded in their respective field of endeavors.

And all black college students want to succeed in reaching their respective dreams.

Despite of the popularity of various Black American personalities, poverty is still within the ranks of several Black American families. They experience difficulties in sending their children to college, particularly in exclusive universities such as Harvard and Yale. They can withstand the discrimination that is still present despite of everything that has happened, yet poverty is what they cannot withstand anymore.

Is there any hope for a black student to study in college?

Yes, there is.

And it is through getting a black college scholarship.

There are hundreds of scholarships available that are not just open to White Americans, but are also intended for Black American students. There you have the scholarships for minority students, college scholarships provided by Black American and African organizations (whether civic or religious), and government-sponsored scholarships for black students. The United States Constitution clearly states that there should be no discrimination in terms of getting a solid and well-provided education to its citizens. Whether you are a white or a black, you are entitled to receive a high quality of education in the country.

With these scholarships for aspiring black college students, they will be able to fulfill their dreams of becoming one of the successful personalities, just like Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Muhammad Ali, who have already left a mark in their respective fields of endeavor. Poverty is just a minor obstacle—there is hope on anything, including for a black student who want to take a step higher and get himself to college.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Christian College Scholarship: Following the Path where God Leads You

What would be your life after high school?

Graduating from high school is the moment of truth. You need to decide on the path that you will follow after your high school life. There are some who prefer to get a job right away instead of pursuing their respective college dreams while others will join the military as their service to the American people. But a majority of high school graduates are still undecided in terms of what career they will pursue after high school.

However, the most essential thing you need to remember is to do follow the path where God is leading you.

There was once a college professor who has earned his bachelor’s degree on a Christian college. He felt like he was in “heaven”—in a place where he is surrounded by professors and students who are all devoted Christians. They supported him in the endeavor he wants to push through while studying. He had also friends who attended other Christian colleges and experienced the same thing.

Although attending a Christian college will not lead to a sacerdotal ordination as a priest or a soldier of God, getting yourself enrolled in college where the administrators, staff, faculty, and students are devoted Christians is indeed an excellent choice. They care not only for your education, but also to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. In addition, there were past researches made indicating that students who attend Christian colleges are most likely to affirm their Christian faith and strong belief in God.

Probably you are afraid of the potential “high cost” of attending a Christian college or university. However, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, there are many students who have attended Christian colleges and universities through the help of generous donors. Just like regular colleges and universities, Christian colleges also offer scholarships to students who are having financial difficulties yet are determined to finish their collegiate studies and obtain their college degree through the intervention of God.

There are several steps that you can take to receive a Christian college scholarship. These are as follows:

• Spring of Junior Year- during at this stage of your high school education, there are various sponsors that offer scholarships to students who want to finish their college education on a Christian college. Most of the scholarships offered during this time have application deadlines set on the senior years.

• January-May of your High School Senior Year- at this point, you need to complete a FAFSA or the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid. You can get these from your high school counselor or from the Christian college where you plan to enroll.

After you completed your FAFSA, your ISIR or Institutional Student Informational Record would be produced and would be sent to the Christian college where you are listed. Once the college received your ISIR, they will send you a SAR or Student Aid Report. Complete the information on the SAR to receive the financial aid package.

Keep in mind that the best way to obtain a good Christian college scholarship is to do your best while you are on your high school years. It means that you should have a higher GPA, higher rankings from your academic class, and higher score on your SAT. Aside from your excellent academic records, you must have an active participation in other school activities such as youth groups, community volunteer programs, and others.

As mentioned earlier, follow the path where God wants to lead you. Do not be afraid, through His intervention, your Christian college life will not be as difficult as others may think.: Following the Path where God Leads You Christian College Scholarship

What would be your life after high school?

Graduating from high school is the moment of truth. You need to decide on the path that you will follow after your high school life. There are some who prefer to get a job right away instead of pursuing their respective college dreams while others will join the military as their service to the American people. But a majority of high school graduates are still undecided in terms of what career they will pursue after high school.

However, the most essential thing you need to remember is to do follow the path where God is leading you.

There was once a college professor who has earned his bachelor’s degree on a Christian college. He felt like he was in “heaven”—in a place where he is surrounded by professors and students who are all devoted Christians. They supported him in the endeavor he wants to push through while studying. He had also friends who attended other Christian colleges and experienced the same thing.

Although attending a Christian college will not lead to a sacerdotal ordination as a priest or a soldier of God, getting yourself enrolled in college where the administrators, staff, faculty, and students are devoted Christians is indeed an excellent choice. They care not only for your education, but also to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. In addition, there were past researches made indicating that students who attend Christian colleges are most likely to affirm their Christian faith and strong belief in God.

Probably you are afraid of the potential “high cost” of attending a Christian college or university. However, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, there are many students who have attended Christian colleges and universities through the help of generous donors. Just like regular colleges and universities, Christian colleges also offer scholarships to students who are having financial difficulties yet are determined to finish their collegiate studies and obtain their college degree through the intervention of God.

There are several steps that you can take to receive a Christian college scholarship. These are as follows:

• Spring of Junior Year- during at this stage of your high school education, there are various sponsors that offer scholarships to students who want to finish their college education on a Christian college. Most of the scholarships offered during this time have application deadlines set on the senior years.

• January-May of your High School Senior Year- at this point, you need to complete a FAFSA or the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid. You can get these from your high school counselor or from the Christian college where you plan to enroll.

After you completed your FAFSA, your ISIR or Institutional Student Informational Record would be produced and would be sent to the Christian college where you are listed. Once the college received your ISIR, they will send you a SAR or Student Aid Report. Complete the information on the SAR to receive the financial aid package.

Keep in mind that the best way to obtain a good Christian college scholarship is to do your best while you are on your high school years. It means that you should have a higher GPA, higher rankings from your academic class, and higher score on your SAT. Aside from your excellent academic records, you must have an active participation in other school activities such as youth groups, community volunteer programs, and others.

As mentioned earlier, follow the path where God wants to lead you. Do not be afraid, through His intervention, your Christian college life will not be as difficult as others may think.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Comprehending College Scholarship and Attain it Easily

Whenever a student enters college, especially those who belong in a family that earns an average income, the sole thing that pressures them is the expensive amount needed for the education, which almost crushes them financially to the ground.

Money, is the established traditional excuse for the financially unprivileged students to fail in pursuing their college education, it has always been the issue, worn out by time.

However, this issue is by far resolved when the scholarship became accessible to the disadvantaged. Through scholarships, the expenses for college became easy for the students.

To most people, the term scholarship is likewise used up by time. But how far do we really understand the term “scholarship”?

It is a fact that for most students and parents the term scholarship can still be confusing. Whenever they hear the term, they directly associate it to free tuition and fees, students’ loans, and grants.

But knowing the exact process of scholarship could save you and your parents’ purse from too much drainage of money, most probably tens of thousands of dollars, as the scholarship takes charge of your education.

Basically, scholarship are monetary grants given by the state government, public and private institutions and organizations, college, institutions, charitable foundations, guilds and the like for educational use.

Additionally, scholarship is different from student loans, the scholarship gives off money without the condition of repaying it. While the student loans involve the agreement of repaying the borrowed money to supplement the students’ college educational expenses at a certain time, and with the corresponding interests.

The following are the list of available scholarships:

• National Merit Scholarship
• Athletic Scholarship
• Career, Professional, and Trade-Association-Sponsored Scholarships
• Academic Merit Scholarship
• Work Study
• Special Scholarships
• Ethnic and Religious Scholarship
• Alumni Legacy Scholarship
• Transfer Student Scholarship
• Community Organization Sponsored Scholarship

With all of these available scholarships it became quite perplexing for certain students to recognize the scholarship that would fit best their qualifications.

Most often the problem lies on the searching process, which scholarship to apply for, and where will they apply.

The most possible answer for this setback is basically to know the proper resources. There is the college scholarship search engine; you can access it for free in the internet. Through this, you will not just save your time and money; you can also get recent updates.

On the other hand, it is suggested that you read carefully the requirements, if you think you are fitted then you can proceed on your application, if you think you don’t, and then try to look for another. Remember, as you apply for more scholarships, there will be greater chances that you will be able to win a scholarship or more.

Furthermore, most of the scholarships are based on the academic performances of the students, the ability for attaining and maintaining high-grades. While some are based on the students’ artistic ability, excellence in sports, or awarded to the students who excel in a specific field.

The facts presented in this article can be sum up to a specific thing, once you know how to accumulate the information, the process on applying for a scholarship, and where your qualification suits, it will only be easier for you to attain financial aid throughout your college years.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Getting the Best Financial Assistance through College Scholarship Search Engine

College education is not as simple as it was before. In fact, the cost of studying in college nowadays is becoming quite expensive, considering that there are now additional fees to be taken cared of. Aside from the tuition fees, you have the laboratory fees, college-bound books that should be purchased within the school premises, and other miscellaneous fees (for dental health, for instance). Add to it the cost of board and lodging as well as the food expenses if you decide to study in a college or university situated on other states.

If your family is financially-strapped that even your basic needs are not fully met, it will be a hard time for you to convince your parents to allow you to study in college. Getting a college degree will just remain to be one of your wildest dreams forever—not unless you do something to realize such dream.

You may seek some part-time work so that you will have sufficient funds to finance your college education. However, this type of action will certainly have an adverse effect in your studies, especially if you cannot guarantee that you can handle your part-time work and your college studies at the same time. Thus, it is not an ideal option for a student who opts to study without any important interference, such as a part-time work.

Fortunately, there is still an available and at the same time an ideal option for you. That is, to get yourself a college scholarship.

Your college scholarship will help you finance your college studies and obtain the degree that you want. There are different types of college scholarships that are intended for a specific college degree, whether you decide to pursue a commerce or an engineering career someday. Furthermore, these college scholarships have sufficient funding—either from the federal and state government, colleges and universities, or private institutions—to assure that every scholar will finish their respective degrees without any delay with regards to the financial aspect.

The great thing about a college scholarship is that you are not required to reimburse the expenses that you have incurred during your college years. The funds are allocated for you as if these are your own funds. It is advantageous for students who wants to earn a college degree yet does not have the necessary financial capabilities to do so, compared to other forms of financial assistance such as college loans or federal loans.

At this point, you are probably worrying about where to find these college scholarships that are available. You need not worry; for the Internet is now flooded with college scholarships search engines. This special type of online-based search engine is an online directory of different types of college scholarships, together with the name of the sponsor and their contact phone numbers. If you are lucky in your search in a single college scholarship search engine, you will be provided with the qualifications to be eligible for that scholarship. Thus, through this search engine, you will be able to come up with the college scholarship that will suit your specific college needs.

With these college scholarship search engines, you will have the golden opportunity of getting the degree that you want despite the financial difficulties that you are experiencing. Use this one-of-a-kind advantage and see the results—you may just find yourself with other aspiring college freshman falling in line to pay for tuition fees.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

College Free Grant Money Scholarship

“Education is expensive, if you want something cheaper, try ignorance,” this is one of the clichés that has ben well worn and said over a million times. But this cliché is a reality that painfully bites.

Nowadays, only a few numbers of students have parents who can really afford their education in college without placing excessive burden on their shoulders. The common scenario for youths today is working while studying at the same time, especially in college, working students as what they are termed.

Most often the academic performances of these working students’ suffer if they will not be able to manage their time wisely. But are we going to allow education to be exclusive only for the wealthy? The answer is, definitely not.

That is why education grants benefits and opportunities exist. The purpose of this is to help the students to sustain their college education by generating educational funds though minimal.

Grants unlike scholarships are based on the students’ specific need, if not a combination of needs and merits.

However, before you get this privilege, you have to be assured that you are eligible for the opportunity. Basically, the process of grants benefited both the students and the institutions that are using that grant money to develop the curriculum, employ new faculties, and construct new facilities.

The difference of grants to the scholarships and students’ loans is that it is given to the benefactor without any expectation of repaying it. Grant is a monetary gift. Scholarship on the other hand, is awarded according to the academic merit though it is also a monetary gift.

However, the students’ loans really differ among the three privileges. Students’ loan is the sum of money being borrowed by the student to finance his schooling with the agreement to repay it after some time with the corresponding interests.

The awarding of grants may come in general categories, or it may also be awarded to students who are pursuing a specialized degree program, like mathematics or business, or to various degree levels, such as Bachelors, Associate, Doctoral or Masters.

Also, grants may come originally from different sources: college and university, public and private organization, and federal state.

Since grants are specially meant for the financially unprivileged, certain grants exist for the deprived, underrepresented minorities and students. There are also some cases wherein the grant money is exchanged for professional service after the graduation. This is common to those taking up health care professions. The main purpose of this is to keep trained professionals in medically underserved regions.

Grants are particularly taken up by the adult students to return to college or to college programs that will direct them in reentering the place of work.

This is usual since college does not anymore require for the traditional age, specifically between 18 to 24 years of age. Americans nowadays are becoming more and more practical in considering several chances to receive a degree. And this modern perception has driven adult students to flock into colleges without the fear of public scrutiny unlike before.

The world today is requiring skillful and sharp new set of labor force for them to be able to join the flow of the competitive market. And for the applicants to be credible for these characteristics they must present a college diploma.

Hence, having a college degree is really vital.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to get your hands on a College Free Scholarship and Get that Degree you Want

Year in and year out, fresh graduates from high schools all over America have the same problem finding a free scholarship for college. While for those who have gone to private schools, money won't seem to be a problem as their parents could probably afford it. But for the millions of kids that go to public schools, this is a problem that has hounded them for years.

Many of these kids don’t even bother thinking about college. Most of them just get jobs and think about their independence. But how many of them do actually succeed and lead comfortable lives and get good earning jobs?

The chances are very slim. Getting a good college degree is the key to expedite the climb to the corporate ladder plus, they also get the much needed knowledge to be competitive in the work force. The diploma is not just a piece of paper that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, the education that comes with those four years of hard work and great college fun is what you invest in.

But did you know that many college students from all over the country have been receiving scholarship money amounting to billions of dollars every year? This money comes from different sources and are divided up by many college students to get a free scholarship for college.

So the next question would be, how will you be able to get your hands into some of this money to finance your college education? Here are some steps many experts have recommended.

Start your search the earliest possible.

Don’t wait until you are in your senior year to find the source of these free scholarships. Even though you are just a junior, even in your sophomore year in high school, you should be able to start looking. There are even scholarships that are already awarded to junior year high school students. The first place you should go to look for these scholarships is in the counseling office of your high school. Then follow it up at the college financial aid office. You may also try the local community and civic organizations in your area. The Department of Education from your state is also a good place for inquiries. An dof course, the Internet.

Never stop looking for free scholarships.

Some scholarships are only good for a year or two. The more back up scholarship programs you have the more likely you will be able to finish your degree.

Hone your skills and interests.

There are many scholarship grantees that focuses on a persons skills, particular interest, ethnicity, athletic and extracurricular achievements or religion, so even if you do not have the highest academic distinction in your class, you still have a chance to be a scholar.

Be prompt with the deadlines

Note the dates when you have to pass your requirements, being late in your submission is as good as not submitting at all.

Grab every opportunity.

Apply for every scholarship program that you think you may qualify for. You may not pass in all of them, but at least you have other options.

Beware of the many scams in the Internet; if a website is charging you, this is likely just a con to get some money. Be relentless in your search and you will get that college degree you need with a college free scholarship.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Make Your Way to College through College Freshman Scholarship

So you are already a graduate of secondary education, of course the mark of happiness and fulfillment can still be traced on your face. However, you need to accept the fact that entering the portals of college is not as easy as you may think it is.

The preparation for college requires lots of effort to the point of giving you loads of stress if you will not be able to distinguish the best strategies to take.

First, you will be selecting the course that you want to take, you need to meet the hassles in taking the entrance examinations, the perplexity in choosing which school you would like to attend, not just that, you still have to consider its standards.

But the greatest stress is rooted from the expenses that you will need to be able to take the course that you want, and to be able to enter the institution with a good standard of teaching. You have to consider before anything else your parent’s capacity to pay your education.

But don’t fret if you think money will be a hindrance in pursuing your college education. Several types of scholarships are being offered to assist the financially unprivileged students. There are several public and private organizations, federal and state, college and university, that offer scholarship in different forms.

Chiefly, scholarship is a form of monetary gift which is awarded and is founded on the academic merits. For this reason the eligibility of the student definitely matters.

There is a Freshman Honor Scholarship, this is funded by organizations which grant scholarship to those students who are by far excelling in the class and were able to gain honors. The requirements may come in separate application form, while there are others that do not.

There is also a Presidential Scholarship, majority of its beneficiaries are incoming honors college students. Likewise, the valedictorians and salutatorians of accredited high school may able to receive this scholarship.

Meanwhile, the Presidential Scholarship is renewable for eight semesters, depending on the result of the annual review. This covers 50 percent of in-state or out-of-state tuition, although this does not comprise the fees. Likewise, this specifically covers the entire tuition/fees including room and board.

The sole requirement for this scholarship is a minimum 3.0 GPA a student must maintain. No more application is necessary.

Meanwhile, the students who weren’t accepted in the Freshman Honor Scholarship may take their chances on the Presidential Scholarship. Unlike the former, the Presidential Scholarship select the scholars by committee and is founded not solely on academic ability, but also on creativity, character, and impending for leadership.

Those students who qualify in Freshman Honor College will be sent the materials for application. The process of application only evolves in written application, then the on-campus conversation follows with the program’s director or a committees’ representative, and the last, a spontaneous essay.

The entire applicants’ are responsible for submitting the complete applications to the program’s director. The deadline is set on the mid of January. The nominations from the school will not be received as well as the applications.

The finalists of this scholarship will be given notice on or before the 31st of January to schedule an on-campus visit. The interviews must be accomplished by March 1.

These are only some of the available scholarships being offered for an incoming freshman in college. There are still several of these, you can try to visit another sites to have a thorough knowledge about them.

Paying for your Child’s College Finances— Guide for Parents on Student Loan, Scholarship, and Grant

Let's suppose that you have a child who will be graduating soon from high school. Of course, you will feel happy, just like any proud parent who have their children graduating from high school. It is one of the challenges of life that you have successfully surpassed, despite of the financial instabilities that you have probably experienced. It is time to celebrate, for you have fulfilled your responsibility of giving your child a bright future.

But as many would say, a high school graduation is not the end. In fact, it is just the beginning of tougher challenges that awaits you and your child in the succeeding years—college education.

At this point, you should start thinking about how you will finance the studies of your college-bound child. With the increasing cost of tuition fees, you need to plan ahead of time to avoid any misfortune, especially if you have experienced how to be financially-needing. You know how hard it is to have both of your hands tied-up against the increasing cost of your child’s high school education before. The sooner you start planning for the college education of your child, the less you will encounter financially-related problems later on.

If you think you will be faced again with financial problems, it is important that you know the different financial aid programs available for your college-bound child. Continue reading and learn the financial aids to lean on to:

• Grants- it is the first type of college financial aid that you can apply for. It simply requires you to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. Once the application has been sent, it will be evaluated and if your child will qualify, he/she will be entitled to the full amount of what he/she qualifies for. At this point, you need not do anything much further except to provide the name of the college or university your child wants to enroll to.

• Scholarships- although scholarship is commonly intended for students who have the “brains” but do not have the “fortune”, not all college scholarships are bounded to academics. Students who do not have the best academic record can still qualify to other multitudes of college scholarships. There you have the college sports scholarships, community service work scholarships, social involvement scholarships, and others. There are just the different types of scholarships for your child if he is not that talented when it comes to academics.

• Student Loans- these type of loans have lower interest rates compared to other types of loans. There are instances where the loans are subsidized, which means that the interest does not accumulate until a student finishes college. Furthermore, these loans does not require a collateral, thus you do not have to worry about putting your own home as a collateral against the student loan for your child. Most of these loans are available on a variety of repayment plans at low interest rates and low monthly installment payments.

If you have not started searching for the various financial aid programs available, it is recommended that you start now. These financial aids will help you in the long run and will provide the funds needed for your child’s college education. Get yourself free from financial worries through these aids.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Rainfall of College Scholarship during the Fall Season

Hispanic students are presented with a number of college scholarships.

Hispanic students along with their families are greeted with a wonderful start in fall when the Hispanic organizations announce that they will be funding guidelines and plans for the entire school year.

This occasion coincide with the time where Hispanic families are conducting their searches for a means to pay the expensive amount of college education for their kids.

Mainly, only the Hispanics that are College bound will be benefited by the said program.

Now, students may go frenzy when selecting which college programs to take, plus also, the number of students who have stopped for a year that are planning to go back to school.

Really, this is not the first time this occurrence has happened. Scholarships are universally popular in providing the disadvantaged and the financially handicapped students an opportunity.

The big Corporations have established themselves in providing scholarships for hispanic students, included here are Coors, General Motors, CNN, MasterCard, Lockheed Martin, Sallie Mae, Wachovia, Office Depot and Time Warner.

But questions may arise. Why do these benevolent companies fund hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide Latino Scholarships? What will they get from these Hispanic students?

The answer is not just confided into one, they support the presented programs for Hispanic scholarship founded by the Latino organizations like the National Association of the Hispanic Journalists, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and National Hispanic Scholarship, majority of them yield from public relations and the positive society results generated by the programs.

For numerous years, the Latinos as a consumer have become progressively more acculturated into America’s lifestyle mainstream. A few of them have fixed a good place in influencing the public and private sectors, while the others adds to the classy consumers.

Part of the development is rooted from the growing awareness of some Latinos who have been ignored to the point of receiving undeserved treatment from lots of companies. This fact goes though since the Census last 2000 mark them as the clients of their goods and services.

Also, the Hispanic purchasing power is rising, for this reason, the conversationalists and the marketers have started to take advantage of the prospects and escalation of the Hispanic markets.

This is because of the estimate of the Multicultural Economy on year 1900-2009 as reported by the Selig Center for Economic Growth ranges to almost $700 billion annually.

Thus, the thousands of dollars funded for Hispanic scholarship is nothing as compared to the purchasing power of these future consumers. Not just that, the scholarship beneficiaries may also join the labor force in the near future.

According to the critics, there is the rising situation wherein the scholarship provided for the Latinos are too much, as fitted to the number of students in need. However, this is countered by the theory that the Hispanic students who graduate and later joins the labor force of the Americans also produces the same program.

But anyhow, the only thing that matters is that the Hispanic students are given more chances to pursue their college education, through the rise of the benefactors and donors.

Meanwhile, the effects will be the same, the Latinos who graduates gives gratitude to the company who have helped them to finish their higher education.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Scholarship Augmenting Information on College

Education is becoming more and more expensive as time unfolds. For this reason, a number of students are applying for scholarships to supplement their financial needs in school.

One good thing is that there are already various scholarships which are made available today to assist these students. There are the government, individuals, non-profit organizations, private organizations, who augment in granting scholarships.

However, not all are familiar on the ways to access information in applying for these scholarships. Basically, the following are the possible resources you can use in finding the process for scholarship application:

First, you can use the search engines in college scholarships.

Try to visit the free sites that link to scholarships research websites and databases. This tool is convenient for most as compared to the others sources since this can save both time and money.

You can just simply match your profile to numbers of scholarships where you think you qualify. Another advantage in using the college scholarship search engines is that it is always updated. Hence, this can have access to the most recent grants and financial aids made free on the Internet.

You can also link to the other sources. You can inquire through the local community and civic organizations, as well as in police departments and local fire department in your area; they might be offering college scholarships.

Also, the majority of the state governments extend financial assistance to in-state students. Hence, you can take advantage to the local assets.

Most often, the best scholarships are offered to students who excel in the fields of writing, science, math, music, sports as such. These types of scholarships although do not require high grades, a GPA of 2.0 will do. They commonly base on the students’ character, conditions and testimonials as to why you feel legible for the scholarship.

Also, do not expect that you can get the full scholarship by simply placing your time and effort only in one or two particular programs.

Keep in mind, that applying for college scholarship is merely a numbers game. So, it is best that you apply for more scholarships to be assured that you will succeed in one or more of them.

Now, after finding your prospective scholarship in either of the mentioned resources, you should then be able to know the process for college application next.

These are the ways to ensure your success in getting a college scholarship:

Search early. Majority of the scholarships are open for a definite time period. The scholarship will close after the process of application, then, you have to wait for another year to file your application again.

When you start your search early, you will not just be able to find the best scholarships; also, you will be able to apply for more scholarships, which will give you more chance of winning or more of them.

Be careful in reading the requirements. Remember, out of the large numbers of the scholarship, only a few of it will suit to your qualification. So, read carefully the qualifications set for the scholarships that you are applying for. And if they do not fit to your qualification, try looking for another one.

Complete the requirements. Just when you start for the application, you must have readied the requirements already. It is not advisable that you will wait for your sponsor to ask you for it before you arrange it.

Most of all, submit your application early, and anticipate that you will be considered as one of the scholars of the sponsor.